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About Us

An Innovative Company
SCG works with Developers, Engineers, Planners, Regulators and Builders to create the treatment system needed to meet project-specific requirements. We accommodate sustainable building practices, with low life cycle costs. Our systems are often located in beautiful and environmentally sensitive areas, where effective wastewater systems, that meet or exceed regulatory requirements, are critical. SCG is conscientious of protecting our water resources, environmental stewardship, and sustainable development.

Career Opportunities:

Onsite Wastewater System Specialist

Training Events:

2025 Service Provider Training

Maintenance Support

Starting up an AdvanTex system
Collecting Samples
Tour of AdvanTex system being installed
Maintaining an AdvanTex system

Sample Collecting

Installation Assistance

Start Up Assistance

High altitudes, cold climates, seasonal fluctuations, and remote access are conditions often addressed by SCG's wastewater systems. We have provided quality products for a variety of system types, both standard and advanced treatment.

What We Do
SCG provides a variety of product support services.

• Design Assistance - planning, plan review, system layout, permitting and cost estimate.

• Construction Support - pre-bid assistance, product submittals, construction visits and warranty assistance.

• Operation and Maintenance Support - system start-up, operator training, technical support, performance data review and remote telemetry access.

• Training - workshops for engineers, installers, regulators, operators, stakeholder presentations, end-user education and conference presentations.

" I have always been concerned about protecting our water resources. SCG provides quality products and services to create reliable and sustainable wastewater treatment systems. Our goal is to protect the environment, while economically addressing the needs of the project. SCG is dedicated to improving the performance of decentralized wastewater systems." 

- Roger Shafer, P.E., President, SCG

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